Buck it

Sometimes you just got to say buck it and enjoy your coffee.

This campaign reflects and takes on the recent social rethinking concerning mental health and encourages Starbucks customers to voice their discomfort in a lighthearted manner for a chance to appear on limited cups.

"Some drink it for a boost, some for comfort, and some just truly love the taste - but not every coffee moment is a positive one and we know that. Whether we struggle at work or just had a bad week it's important to not let it bring you down and to focus on the great things in life, like our Starbucks coffee."




Campaign Design & Strategy


University Project

Sometimes you just got to
say buck it and
enjoy your coffee.




Campaign Design & Strategy


University Project

This campaign reflects and takes up on recent social rethinking concerning mental health and encourages Starbucks customers to voice their discomfort in a lighthearted manner for a chance to appear on limited cups.

"Some drink it for a boost, some for comfort, and some just truly love the taste - but not every coffee moment is a positive one and we know that.

Whether we struggle at work or just had a bad week it's important to not let it bring you down and to focus on the great things in life, like our Starbucks coffee."

Twitter Fingers
Users just have to use the hashtag #buckit to automatically enter the voting via the starbucks app and to get a chance to be featured on the next cup.
Influencer Tweets get displayed on billboards for a multichannel approach.
QR code
Stickers on the cups ensure further engagement and lead to the official twitter thread.

Case Study

Rather than promoting taste over and over again, this campaign aims to include people in designing one of the brands most valuable touchpoints - the cup.

"When in doubt tweet it out"

Twitter Fingers

Users just have to use the hashtag #buckit to automatically enter the voting via the Starbucks app and get a chance to to be featured on the next cup.


Influencer Tweets get displayed on billboards for a multichannel approach.


The brand itself can imply the tone.

QR Code

Stickers on the cups ensure further engagement and lead to the official twitter thread.


Coming soon...

The mobile version of this site isn't up and running yet... In the meantime, why not check it out on desktop!